Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Examination questions - Elasticity

1. with the help of examples, explain the determinants of price elasticity demand.

       PED- Price Elasticity of Demand : Measure how much does the quantity demand changes when the price changes.
   E_d = \frac{\%\ \mbox{change in quantity demanded}}{\%\ \mbox{change in price}} = \frac{\Delta Q_d/Q_d}{\Delta P/P} ( from wikipedia) 

  the value of the PED as : Inelastic demand is greater than 0, less than 1.
                                       elastic demand is greater than infinity.

For example, An inelastic product ( OIL) : A change in the price leads to a proportionally smaller change in quantity. Oil is a common and necessary product for living. so even the price changes higher 

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