Saturday, October 8, 2011

World Economic New 7th of October

US economy adds more jobs than forecast in September

The US economy added 103,000 jobs in September, ahead of many economists' expectations.

Jobs fair in LA organised by the Congressional Black Caucus

But the jobless rate was stuck at 9.1%, according to latest data from the Department of Labor.

Although the figures were boosted by the return to work of striking workers, the department also revised upwards employment data from August and July.
Last month, President Barack Obama unveiled a $450bn (£282bn) package of spending plans aimed at creating jobs.
The White House said that despite the new jobs, the unemployment rate remained "unacceptably high".
"Clearly, we need faster economic growth to put Americans back to work. Today's report underscores the president's call for Congress to pass the American Jobs Act to put more money in the pockets of working and middle class families," it said in its regular blog.
The private sector accounted for all the job gains, and the figures were boosted by the return of 45,000 Verizon telecoms workers who had been on strike in August.

Anyhow, base on this movement of USA government it would be good for the economic growth and helps people out from this difficult position. 

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